
Experience - Tech

Web Developer
Currently in Training

I've studied web development and coding on a self-guided basis since December of 2020. I've been gaining knowledge and skill in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, JavaScript, JQuery, Astro, and Python, and I'm adding new technologies to my tool belt all the time. (See the Projects page for more information on what I've built.)

After many years as a music professor and professional oboe player, I would like to focus on deepening my knowledge in web development and make it my new career.

March 2024-present
Junior Developer & Content Creator
ADVO-Advocacy Resources 501(c)(3)
  • Working with Lead Developer to investigate appropriate technologies for web application that will serve curated search results to users who are looking for vetted resources related to mental health, physical health, and social issues
  • Write copy for social media posts
  • Design graphics for social media posts using Canva (examples available upon request)
  • Collaborate with team on marketing strategies
Ada Build Curriculum
Intro to Python

In May 2022, I completed the Ada Build Curriculum, which is an intro to Python course Ada Developers Academy offers to anyone who is preparing to apply to their bootcamp.

I applied for the Ada Academy's full-stack web dev program in 2022 but did not win a spot in this highly competitive program. I do, however, value all that I learned in preparation for the application process.

Certificates were not granted at the end of this course, but if you're interested, you can access the curriculum.

Responsive Web Design Certification

In February 2021, I completed the Responsive Web Design Certification with freeCodeCamp.

This course introduced me to HTML and CSS, and a built my first web projects while taking this course.

View my certificate and the projects I completed during the course.

Visit my freeCodeCamp profile.

Experience - Writing

Independent Journalist
Oklahoma Gazette
Oklahoma City, OK

Over the course of two years, I worked as a contract writer for the bi-weekly independent newspaper the Oklahoma Gazette. At the time that I was writing for them, they published hardcopy issues and digital issues of the paper, but in 2023, they went fully digital with their publications.

I had a lot of autonomy in this job. I chose topics on local happenings and pitched my ideas to the Editor-in-Chief. On rare occasions, the Editor assigned topics to me. Once the topics got a greenlight, I'd compose interview questions, if necessary, and reach out to the subjects of the article to conduct interviews. Then I'd write the article and send it over to the Editor for notes, and we'd collaborate on the final product for the paper.

I wrote articles in a number of categories: culture, food, community, music, arts, psychology/behavior, disaster preparedness, politics, diversity, and local events.

Explore my body of work for the Oklahoma Gazette.

Freelance Copywriter
Various Clients

In 2022 I had the opportunity to take on a few short-term copywriting gigs.

  • I wrote web copy for clients of a marketing firm. The project coordinator interviewed the clients to get information about their business, including their mission and target market. Then I would watch recordings of the interviews and craft copy for the client's commerical website. Web copy samples available upon request.

  • I wrote track descriptions of commercial music for Or Kribos, a composer and music producer who lists his work with Amphibious Zoo, a commercial soundtrack company. Read my track descriptions for Against the Clock, Last One Standing, and Swagger Trap - Volume 2

  • I wrote a few blog articles for a client covering a range of topics, including reasons to shop local, features of OKC life, and benefits of using a coworking space. Samples available upon request.

Doctoral Dissertation
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK

After twelve years as a college student, I've done my fair share of writing in an academic setting. I won't bore you with every paper I've ever written, but I will share the most important paper I wrote.

As part of my doctoral work I wrote a dissertation titled English Pastoralism in Ralph Vaughan Williams' Concerto for Oboe and Strings. This paper focuses on the music theory aspects of an oboe concerto I love and wanted to understand more deeply.

The paper examines the cultural and political events that were happening during the time of the concerto's composition and connects those events to the stylistic decisions Vaughn Williams made when writing the piece.

Experience - Teaching

University of Central Oklahoma
School of Music
Edmond, OK

Over my twelve-year career teaching at UCO, I filled multiples roles as a faculty member. I taught Music Theory I & II, Aural Skills (Ear Training) I & II, and Oboe Lessons.

In addition to teaching duties, I mentored students in office hours, performed concerts regularly with collegues, and taught masterclasses on campus, regionally, and around the world. My travels on behalf of the university took me to China, Germany, and Thailand.

I also maintainted a busy freelance performance schedule off-campus. (More about that in the Music Performance section.)

Each semester, I served on committees at multiple levels across the University's organization. I served on Faculty Senate for four years and Chaired the Personnel and Policies Committee on the Senate for three years. During this service, our committee investigated faculty pay inequities, questioned administrators about the inequitites, and brought our findings to the Senate in order to begin working on solutions toward more equitable faculty pay across campus.

My faculty ranks over the years included adjunct instructor, artist-in-residence, temporary full-time instructor, tenure-track instructor, assistant professor, and I had just earned a promotion to associate professor at the time I decided to step away from academia.

Why did I leave my dream job as a music professor and performer? My spouse and I decided to move from Oklahoma to Washington state to be near his family, and I took the move as an opportunity to learn new skills and enjoy new experiences that I didn't have time for when I was a musician and educator.

2013 - 2019
Special Activity Instructor
Camp Chaverim
Oklahoma City, OK

Camp Chaverim is a multicultural summer day camp that is held at Temple B'nai Israel and is open to children ages 2-15 of any or no faith.

I taught music classes and yoga classes to campers of all ages in 30-minute rotating sessions. I tailored each session to be age-appropriate and provided space in each lesson for creativity and relfection.

New School for the Arts and Academics
Tempe, AZ

New School for the Arts and Academics is a public charter school that serves students in grades 6-12 who want to study performing and visual arts.

During my one-year appointment, I taught Music Theory and Piano Studies to students who had chosen a music-focused program of study.

Music Lessons Teacher
Various Locations

Over two decades and multiple towns and cities, I taught a range of lessons in music: oboe, piano, recorder, and music theory. My students' ages ranged from preschool to retiree.

I created flexible lesson plans depending on students' ability levels, preparation levels (how much they practiced), and interests (styles of music they liked and personal goals).

I engaged in adminstrative responsibilites including maintaining payment records and tax documents.

Experience - Music Performance

Large Ensemble
Symphony Orchestra
Pit Orchestra
Symphonic Band

Throughout my music career, I performed with a variety of large ensembles. This work was for my own fulfillment and professional development and was required under the Scholarly and Creative Activity duties of my faculty position at the University of Central Oklahoma, where I taught from 2010-2022.

  • 2018-2021: Oklahoma City Philharmonic, Substitute Oboe
  • 2017-2021: Painted Sky Opera Orchestra, Principal Oboe
  • 2016-2021: Tulsa Opera, Substitute Oboe
  • 2015-2021: Tulsa Symphony Orchestra, Substitute Oboe
  • 2014 & 2016: Cimarron Opera Orchestra, Principal Oboe
  • 2013-2021: Irv Wagner Concert Band, Principal Oboe
  • 2012-2016: Oklahoma Haydn Festival Orchestra, Principal Oboe
  • 2008-2010: Chandler Symphony Orchestra, Chandler, Arizona, Auxiliary Oboe
Small Ensemble
Chamber Music
Chamber Orchestra

Performing chamber music was one of the greatest joys of my music career. I formed deep relationships with colleagues in these small ensembles and enjoyed the expressive freedom in this setting that was not possible in larger ensemble playing.

  • 2013-2022: Brisch Center for Historical Performance, Principal Oboe & Baroque Oboe
  • 2013-2022: Sugar Fish Reed Trio, Oboe
  • 2015: New Century Ensemble, Oboe
  • 2013-2014: Edmond Chamber Orchestra, Principal Oboe
  • 2011-2012: The University of Central Oklahoma Chamber Collegium, Oboe Soloist, 2011-2012
  • 2018-2022 & 2010-2014: Zephyr Winds, UCO Faculty Woodwind Quintet
Original Music
Electronic &
New Age

In 2009 I started an original music project called Quantum Calm. This project started as a New Age duo with a guitarist and me playing oboe, piano, singing bowls, Native flutes, bells, etc.

We performed live for meditation groups, yoga classes, art shows, bookstores, and other similar settings.

The project later morphed into a wider range of timbres and textures produced with electronic sounds and digital techniques.

I have composed and arranged all the music for this project, and it has given me an excellent space to explore sound outside the contraints of Classical music traditions.

These are the albums that have been released under the Quantum Calm project:

Education - Doctoral

University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Oboe Performance

I had the privilege of earning a Doctorate in music while working full-time as a faculty member at the University of Central Oklahoma. Without the support of UCO, it would not have been possible to continue my education.

During my doctoral studies, I had the opportunity to study the anthropological aspects of music on a deeper level. I studied Ethnomusicology, Music of the Middle Ages, Latin American Music, and Native American Music.

I also had the joy of studying oboe with Dr. Dan Schwartz. He was an excellent mentor and guided me through studies of oboe music that I wanted to explore, specifically music that incorporated extended techniques on the instrument.

Education - Master

Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Oboe Performance

Here are a few highlights from my time at Arizona State:

I had the pleasure of studying Pedagogy of Music Theory under the instruction of Dr. Ellon Carpenter. She was an excellent mentor and helped me get my first job teaching Music Theory.

I learned a great deal from the Oboe Professor Martin Schuring. He taught me how to be more methodical in my practice techniques, helped me develop my reed making skills, and taught me how to properly maintain and troubleshoot my oboe. Without his instruction, I wouldn't have made it as a professional oboist.

I had an opportunity to play Oboe d'amore with the ASU Wind Symphony Oboe Consort. To have access to this rare instrument and get the chance to perform on it was a true gift.

Education - Bachelor

University of Central Oklahoma
Edmond, OK
Music Performance - Oboe

It was during my undergrad education that I learned to juggle many simultaneous performance responsibilities. I played princpal oboe in the Wind Symphony, Symphony Orchestra, and pit orchestras. I also performed with the student Wind Quintet and had the pleasure of performing on two separate occasions at Carnegie Hall with UCO ensembles.

I also discovered my love of teaching Music Theory during this time, as I served as a tutor on the subject for my peers. In addition, I began teaching private oboe lessons with Central Community Music School that is housed at the university. This was the beginning of my path to becoming a Music Theory and Oboe professor.

Skills & Traits

Transferable Skills

Written Communication
Verbal Communication
Interpersonal Skills
Presentation Skills
Research Skills
Time Management
Customer Service
Critical Thinking
Active Listening
Typing Skills

Personality Traits

Curious/Willing to Learn
Attention to Detail
Action Oriented
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